Secondary Education (SED)
SED 390 School Science Safety (2 credits)
This course leads future teachers to investigate best practices in the area of classroom, laboratory and school safety and to make important decisions in the selection of methods and materials. Personal protective equipment, safety equipment, air quality, hazardous waste, chemical storage and labeling, liability issues, safety contracts and health issues will be among many areas that will be covered. The course will be based on the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) publication: Exploring Safety--A Guide for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Teachers.
Prerequisite/s: EED 250, and EED 298, and EED 254
SED 400 Methods & Materials of Secondary Science Education (4 credits)
This course will explore various teaching methods and strategies along with the materials used to teach in secondary science education. The course is designed to provide students with increased professional development through knowledge and skills in pedagogy. Students will be required to develop lesson plans, projects, and teaching units that integrate inquiry-based learning. Special emphasis will be given regarding how this topic impacts Native American students. Every effort will be made to place students in an environment that emphasizes cultural integration.
Prerequisite/s: EED 250, and EED 298, and EED 254
SED 497 Student Teaching in the Secondary School (12 credits)
Prepares secondary science candidates with the opportunity to observe, record, and assess learners’ behavior in order to plan appropriate instructional programs and learning environments. Candidates will write lesson plans and develop culturally appropriate integrated units that reflect learning styles, promote self-esteem, and encourage self-directed learning. This course provides opportunities for developing parent-teacher conferencing skills as well as working with parents and professionals in a collaborative manner. Candidates will have the opportunity to assume complete responsibility of a classroom while under the supervision of a classroom teacher in an approved secondary school and the college supervision of student teaching. Special emphasis will be given regarding how this topic impacts Native American students. Every effort will be made to place students in an environment that emphasizes cultural integration.