Academic Catalog

President's Message


On behalf of the Sitting Bull College (SBC) staff, faculty, and Board of Trustees, I want to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt welcome to our 2022-2023 SBC Bulletin.

This Bulletin contains a lot of information for you to be a successful student. Please read and utilize the information to answer your academic and student-centered questions. This information is also an excellent way to share a snapshot of SBC with our visitors and potential students.

Regarding the COVID 19 pandemic, some have moved into a feeling of “normalcy”. Within this feeling of normalcy, the COVID numbers continue and we need to be cognizant that the pandemic is not over. Two departments on campus, still require mask wearing, but mask-wearing in other areas of the College, including the classrooms, are voluntary. Social distancing is encouraged.

SBC is a place to start and complete your higher education journey. A number of degrees are offered. We are confident that you will find one that fits your dreams and goals. Our students continue to be very resilient and our faculty & staff care deeply and wholeheartedly about the students.

Thank you to our students for choosing SBC for your higher education journey. We will always do our best to offer a rewarding and memorable experience for each of you.

Take care,

Philamayaye, (Thank you)
Dr. Laurel Vermillion (Oyate Wanyaka Pi-Win)