Academic Catalog

Nursing (NURS)

NURS 101  Introduction to the Nursing Profession  (1 credit)  
This course will explore nursing as a profession. The student will be introduced to the concepts of health and wellness, holistic nursing practice, medical terminology, and the steps of the nursing process/clinical judgement. The techniques of therapeutic communication and concepts of ethical/legal issues will be explored.
NURS 201  Holistic Health Assessment Across the Lifespan  (3 credits)  
Holistic assessments across the lifespan and the skills necessary to do them will be the focus of this class. Students will learn to do a systematic collection of health information using the nursing process. Interviewing and documentation skills in particular will be stressed.
Lab Required.  
NURS 205  Basic Pharmacology for Nurses  (2 credits)  
This course provides the student with an introduction to clinical drug therapy. The basic knowledge and skills for the safe administration of drugs is taught. The nursing process is applied to the administration of a variety of clinical drugs.
Prerequisite/s: NURS 201  
NURS 206  Fundamental Nursing Interventions  (3 credits)  
This course teaches the student the basic knowledge, principles, and skills fundamental to the practical nursing role. The skills will include both traditional and complementary techniques. The student will gain confidence in these skills by practicing on peers, self, and models.
Prerequisite/s: NURS 201  
NURS 206C  Fundamental Nursing InterventionsNursing Practice Experience  (1 credit)  
Required nursing practice experience for NURS 206. This component would be offered in the fall (early September).
Prerequisite/s: NURS 206  
NURS 231  Mental Health/Behavioral Health Nursing  (2 credits)  
This course focuses on assessing, promoting, maintaining, and restoring mental health across the life span. Therapeutic communication techniques will be explored. Nursing practice experience required.
Prerequisite/s: NURS 206, and NURS 205  
NURS 245  Nursing Care of Families  (4 credits)  
Knowledge from previous courses is expanded and applied to the physical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual needs of the childbearing and childrearing family. The focus remains on the role of the practical nurse in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing care under the supervision of a registered nurse when indicated. Nursing practice experience required.
NURS 246  Nursing Care Across the Lifespan  (9 credits)  
This course focuses on the transitions and experiences of families and individuals during the adult years. Knowledge from previous courses is expanded and applied to the physical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual needs of the maturing and aging family. The focus remains on the role of the practical nurse in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing care under the supervision of a registered nurse when indicated. Nursing practice experience required.
Prerequisite/s: NURS 231, and NURS 245  
NURS 297  Capstone Experience in Nursing  (1 credit)  
This course provides the student with the opportunity to develop confidence in their competence as they transition to the beginning practical nurse role. This is a practical experience during which the student works closely with selected health professionals in a variety of nursing practice settings.