History (HIST)
A survey of the major economics, intellectual, political, social, geographical and religious developments from beginning of civilization through the Persian, Greek, and Roman Empires ending with the Middle Ages.
A survey of the major economic, intellectual, political, and social developments in Europe from the Renaissance to recent times.
An economic, intellectual, political and social survey of our nation including its colonial origins, the Revolution, the early growth of the nation, the issue of sectionalism, and the Civil War.
An economic, intellectual, political and social survey of our nation since the Civil War period including the areas of reconstruction, industrialization and our increasing involvement in global responsibilities.
This course is an introduction to Native American history from before the European colonization through the 1760’s.This course is an introduction to Native American history from before the European colonization through the 1760’s.
This course is an introduction to Native American history from the era of the American Revolution through the 1920’s.
This course is an introduction to Native American history from the era of the Indian Reorganization Act through to the present.
An overview of the development of the world’s major civilizations from earliest times to 1500. The major focus is on how developments in societies in the Americas, the West, China, India, southwest Asia, and Africa developed and influenced each other.
This is a continuation of HIST 211 and examines the development of societies in and around the world since the Reformation. This course emphasizes the interactions of a globalized and interconnected world from this time to the present.