Academic Catalog

English (ENGL)

ENGL 099  College Writing Preparation  (2 credits)  
Reading and writing are complementary acts; strengthening the one also strengthens the other. In this class students will learn strategies for reading with understanding and writing with insight and clarity. These strategies include, among others, pre-reading techniques, editing, proofreading, and organizing ideas, paragraphs, and parts of sentences. Applying these strategies to reading and writing activities will strengthen the ability to evaluate a variety of texts and communicate individual own ideas.
Lab Required.  
ENGL 100  Applied English  (3 credits)  
This course is designed to develop techniques and insight which will improve students writing ability and thinking processes; these techniques include: knowing grammatical structure, using library resources, writing about the world of work, writing process papers and problem/solution papers based on work situations.
ENGL 110  Composition I  (3 credits)  
Topics include rhetorical skills, critical thinking, research, and documentation needed for effective academic writing with an emphasis on coherence and idea development. Understanding of basic grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph development is assumed.
ENGL 120  Composition II  (3 credits)  
This course expands on the techniques and skills needed for effective academic writing. The emphasis of this course is building critical research writing skills with the aim of improving writing skills in all disciplines.
Prerequisite/s: ENGL 110  
ENGL 211  Creative Writing  (3 credits)  
Exploration of creative writing techniques through poetry, short stories, and short dramatic pieces. Emphasis is placed on Native American forms of creative writing and resource materials.
ENGL 218  Native American Literature  (3 credits)  
A study of Native American poetry, fiction, and essays, and exploration of Native American contributions to American culture and identity. The reading list includes works from Native American oral and written traditions. Course emphasizes discussion and close reading skills, as well as writing skills.
ENGL 220  Introduction to Literature  (3 credits)  
Introduction to the different genres of literature, emphasizing literary terms and nomenclature involved in all literacy forms (short stories, novel, drama, and poetry.
Prerequisite/s: ENGL 110  
ENGL 221  Introduction to Drama  (3 credits)  
A survey of the worlds greatest dramatic literature from Greek times to the present, including Native American dramatic expression. The history of playhouses and stagecraft, and other related arts of the theater are observed in connection with the study of world masterpieces.
ENGL 238  Childrens Literature  (3 credits)  
To provide a general survey of childrens literature from its origins to the present. Special emphasis will be given regarding how this topic impacts Native American students.
ENGL 241  World Literature  (3 credits)  
A study of the representative works of major writers throughout the world, especially looking at multi-cultural life views.
ENGL 261  American Literature  (3 credits)  
A study of the representative works of major American writers from the Colonial Period through the present, including Native American writers.
ENGL 318  Native American Literature  (3 credits)  
A study of Native American poetry, fiction, and essays, and exploration of Native American contributions to American culture and identity. The reading list includes works from Native American oral and written traditions. Course emphasizes discussion and close reading skills, as well as writing skills.
ENGL 342  Research Writing in the Disciplines  (3 credits)  
This course focuses on the exploration and analysis of peer-reviewed academic research articles that researchers and scholars use to advance knowledge in their fields, with an emphasis on developing students’ writing skills within a profession.