Academic Catalog

Computer Science (CSCI)

CSCI 101  Introduction to Computers  (3 credits)  

General hardware and software such as: terminology, environments. Applications such as: word processing, spreadsheets, databases, Internet usage.

CSCI 119  Survey of Computer Information Systems  (3 credits)  

This course provides the student with an overview of computer information systems, fundamental computer concepts and programming techniques. Hands-on experience with selected business software and one programming language is utilized.

CSCI 122  Visual Basic  (3 credits)  

Introduction to programming in the BASIC/Visual BASIC language.

CSCI 133  Database Concepts I (SQL)  (3 credits)  

This course provides the student with an introduction to the structure and function of database systems, with emphasis on practical applications. Data structures, hierarchical relationships, sequential and indexed searching, updating and deleting records, and data security and recovery will be discussed. The students will use the select statement to query the database and produce the correct outcomes. Students will use functions, join multiple tables and create sub-queries.