Carpentry (CARP)
CARP 102 Core Curriculum (2 credits)
The course will establish safety procedures, shop and site operations, the proper use and maintenance of tools from the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) consisting of eight modules.
CARP 105 Construction Math (3 credits)
Application of math operations and calculations that a carpenter will need to perform when constructing a building and preparing an estimate.
CARP 120 Principles of Framing (3 credits)
Identification of floor, wall and roof framing members to include layout and assembly of house framing members. Estimate material for framing.
CARP 125 Construction Practicum I (4 credits)
This lab course will include the safe and proper use of tools in various construction projects. The semester activities will center around the actual construction of a house.
CARP 140 Principles of Interior Finish (2 credits)
This course will include the identification of interior framing techniques and procedures to include insulation, drywall and drywall finishing, and door and window trim.
CARP 145 Construction Practicum II (4 credits)
This lab course is a practical building application, which includes insulation, drywall hanging, taping and texture, painting, and installing interior doors and trim. Activities will center around the actual construction of a house.