Academic Catalog

Business Administration/Management (BADM)

BADM 103  Legal Environment of Business  (3 credits)  
Introduction and analysis of the legal environment of business. Includes governmental regulations, contracts and property regulations. Emphasis on Native American culture and heritage.
BADM 120  Introduction to Business  (3 credits)  
Introduction and analysis of the fundamental types of business organizations that include sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations. This course includes the study of the accountability flow chart. This course will enable the student to study the comparative and disadvantages unique to each type of organization and society’s role in business. There will be an emphasis on Native American heritage and culture.
BADM 201  Principles of Marketing  (3 credits)  
A study of marketing techniques and practices. Topics include Strategic Marketing and its environment, using technology for customer relationship in a global environment: target market selection and research, customer behavior, product decisions, pricing decisions, distribution decisions and prompting decisions.
BADM 202  Principles of Management  (3 credits)  
This course is a study of the characteristics and functions of business in a free enterprise environment and how business influences the economy in which we live. Characteristics studied may include opportunities, organizations, management, marketing, analysis and any other activities related to general ownership and operation. The course will teach Management skills necessary to effectively lead an organization and its members/team through the decision making process. Analyze the organization while having the ability to develop some measurable objectives by which to assess organizational goal.
BADM 281  Organizational Behavior  (3 credits)  
A research approach to management with emphasis on understanding, prediction, and control of human behavior in the organization setting. Topics include individual behavior, interpersonal and group behavior, environmental adaptation, and organizational effectiveness.
BADM 282  Human Resource Management  (3 credits)  
This course offers undergraduate students a practical introduction to the function and responsibilities of human resource management within any company, from staffing the organization, enhancing motivation and employee performance, to overseeing compensation and benefits.
BADM 297  Business Administration Internship  (3 credits)  
This provides the student with the opportunity to experience the world of work in conjunction with their program of study.
BADM 310  Grant Writing  (3 credits)  
This course is for students and professionals seeking to learn the basics of researching information in an effort to write grants and manage grants. The grant process and the steps needed to complete a proposal will be studied. Topics in this course include writing a grant proposal, how understanding the grantor’s requirements, grant management, reporting, and financial administration.
BADM 323  Payroll Accounting  (3 credits)  
A study of the various state and federal laws pertaining to payment of wages and salaries, preparation of employment records, payroll registers, employee earning records, time cards and state and federal reporting requirements.
BADM 333  Business Writing  (3 credits)  
A course of modern practices in preparing, planning, writing and dictating types of business letters, memos, and reports which is commonly required in business operations.
BADM 353  Tax Procedures  (3 credits)  
The course includes explanation and interpretation of the Internal Revenue Code in preparation and filing of federal income tax returns for individuals, partnerships and corporations. Instruction includes VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) volunteer training and a computer lab component. Business topics include inventory, cost of goods sold, depreciation and business use of a home.
BADM 363  Business Finance  (3 credits)  
A course study in management of Capital in Business including asset structure, risk, income, cash flows, working capital and long term financing with some emphasis on International finance.
BADM 401  Tribal Enterprises  (3 credits)  
This course provides a framework for understanding business ownership on tribal and non-tribal lands, governance, and economic development. Students will study the fundamental knowledge and gain the necessary experience to succeed in the areas of leadership, sovereignty, entrepreneurship, and management.
BADM 405  Business Law  (3 credits)  
The course offers a basic explanation of the legal rights and responsibilities of people in both the public and private sectors.
BADM 406  Business Ethics  (3 credits)  
A course covering the complex environment in which managers confront ethical decisions. Understanding how to recognize the different kinds of business ethical dilemmas and knowing why they occur. The course explores the cost to business and society of unethical and illegal behavior.
BADM 453  Strategic Management  (3 credits)  
This course provide a basis for integrating knowledge of various business disciplines. Skills developed are applied to the formation and implementation of strategic operation plans. The case study method is used throughout the course.
BADM 497  Seminar  (3 credits)  
This course is intended for the student nearing completion of a degree goal. This course involves a more intense participation and responsibility in the area of study of Business Administration to identify needs and opportunities for the community the student resides. The course will focus on utilizing the knowledge and experiences the student has gained during their academic career to develop a plan in writing to address a need or opportunity important to the student.
BADM 500  Graduate Research Seminar  (1 credit)  
This course examines the processes of using various methods along with technology to improve and enhance learning throughout the graduate coursework. The following topics that will be addressed (not limited to); technical terms, technology used, library online resources, APA writing structure, research skills, and other various resources to specifically assist in graduate research methods and writing skills.
BADM 502  Operations & Supply Management  (3 credits)  
This course examines the processes of using organizational resources for the production of products or services. The following topics will be addressed; capacity planning, procedure planning, scheduling, adequate supplies, organizational departmental implementation, and alignment.
BADM 505  Money & Banking Analysis  (3 credits)  
This course investigates the process in which a business needs to access capital through a lending relationship. The topics studied will directly relate to information needed in order for a business to apply for loans
BADM 510  Scholarly Project Seminar I  (1 credit)  
This course introduces topics and standards involving the seminar project. The following topics that will be addressed (not limited to); research requirements, critical thinking, proper planning, challenges and opportunities in business, problem solving techniques, as well as other topics to improve proficiency and preparedness.
BADM 517  Community Development  (3 credits)  
This course covers the fundamentals of current local community issues concerning how to build, attract, and grow business activities. Students will investigate the topics of economic development, zoning, fee and trust land economic implications, real-estate practices, community, state, and federal relations.
BADM 542  Managerial Accounting  (3 credits)  
This course focuses on various accounting concepts that are vital for organizations to understand to make solid business decisions. All leadership levels from first line managers to the CEO must understand various accounting reports in order to operate an effective team and manage a successful business.
BADM 573  Economics  (3 credits)  
This course examines the challenges of the creation and growth of emerging economics in the local community and in the business world. Students will understand economic concepts such as supply and demand, competition, customer theory, monopolies, and the application and relationship they have on employment and fiscal policy.
BADM 606  Project Planning  (3 credits)  
This course will introduce the process of project planning and will include the topics of project scope design, establishment of excellence within the planning process, setting and evaluation of organizational goals, evaluation and control of the planning process and set objectives for comprehensive managerial decision making processes.
BADM 610  Marketing Analysis  (3 credits)  
This course surveys marketing theory, marketing management principles, and development of marketing strategies for new and existing organizations. It explores how managers use marketing to make strategic business decisions that relate to consumer behavior and organizational performance. It provides insight on how to make the best marketing decisions for a business based on its unique market.
BADM 635  Business Law & the Regulation of Business  (3 credits)  
This course explores business law through the perspective of an organization. Students will study the principles of law and apply logical reasoning to legal decisions in relation to the business environment. Legal strategies and good business agreements provide a solid foundation for an organizations longevity. Students will look at federal, state, local and tribal laws concerning business and government operations.
BADM 640  Management Information Systems  (3 credits)  
This course explores the impact of technology throughout the organization and the business structure. The implementation and management of various types of technology based programs will be evaluated and reviewed. Proper application of information technology processes will be examined within the organization to create efficiency and information flow.
BADM 655  Financial Management & Financial Analysis  (3 credits)  
This course addresses organizational financial decision making and planning. Financial theories are explored in the areas of financial statement analysis, asset management, the evaluating the cost of capital, budgeting, financial forecasting, and assessing the overall capital structure of the organization.
BADM 680  Strategic Management & Decision Making  (3 credits)  
This course addresses organizational strategic planning. Strategic principles, strategy, planning implications, and managerial roles in the strategic planning process will be examined. In the decision making process/strategic planning process, it is also important to be able to properly plan to adhere to budgets to finalize decisions.
BADM 697  Research Seminar  (3 credits)  
Students will create a final research project which utilizes primary and secondary research. The topic will be approved by the course faculty who will act as mentor to the student. The topic of research will be related to a business challenge that is taking place in the local, national, or global business environment.